The leaves are turning. The breeze has come. Pumpkin Spice is back and every block has a jack (o-lantern). I really wanted to rhyme there...
As fall has arrived I would like to mention the awesome summer I should have been posting about! I worked with some amazing pre-teens in our black and white darkroom class. That's right, darkroom. Some kids actually wanted to get their summer on with classic black and white film and they were amazing at it! I am abosultely humbled and proud to be a part of the ICP@thePoint teaching team. The collaboration with The Point allows local teens and preteens to enagage in a traditional black and white photography course.
Over the summer for my first class as Lead Instructor I chose the theme "Heroes". In part to my comic book fandom and more importantly because of the true weight and meaning of the term. Our classic comic heroes didn't appear in the name of fighting intergalatic crime, but instead as reflections and representations of what your everyday man and woman could be. There are the ordinary and extraordinary. These representations may be the manifestation of hope, of wanting, of the more that is inside of us all.
Kids know and are capable of a whole lot more than some give them credit for. They took to this theme with great tanacity. Heroes were everywhere! From their parents, their civil servants and trachers to their local grocery store owners and even younger silblings.
Check out the posts from the ICP Community Partnership Blog and learn more about what we were up to!
Here are some images from our adventures!
On Day 1 we discussed our hero identities and over the next couple of weeks developed our tale.
Name: EvanHero Alias: The PainterPower: Paints Things to Life
Name: ElaniHero Alias: The TimerPower: Controls time/Time Travel
Name: FritziHero Alias: The FreezerPower: Ice Powers
Name: SeanHero Alias: IDKPower: Foresight
Name: NaileaHero Alias: MadulaPower: Reading Minds
Name: LynessaHero Alias: The WinderPower: Controls Weather
Name: MadisonHero Alias: TelekePower: Telekinesis
Name: FaithHero Alias: inVizzyPower: Invisibility
Name: DaniHero Alias: XXPower: Duplication
Name: EboniHero Alias: The WingPower: Speed
The Villain: The Exposure.
We don’t yet know where he has come from, but we know we must stop him. The Exposure is exposing our black-and-white darkroom prints. As he does so the world around us begins to lose color and the citizens of Hunts Point are being pulled into the images! Only this team of unlikely heroes can save us now!
Sun Prints from our first week with Hero Logos.

inVizzy and I making her Sun Print

Talking reflections with XX

We also talked about projects outside of photography like These Little Notes and make inspirational notes of our own.

Here are shots from our in class studio lighting shoot where our heroes were able to get into character!

The Painter

